Monday, 17 February 2014

PASF Logistics

    The importance of Logistics in the broaden security sector (Police, Military, etc.) has received a broad recognition. The same applies to private companies and enterprises. The concept of logistics can be defined in numerous ways as it completes the triangle between Management / Command and Human Resources. Quite commonly, and in a simplified way, "Logistics is when you pull the trigger and you hear 'BANG'"!

      Going back, few years ago, the field of Logistics for the PASF was a dark area and for sure was not given the proper attention that required. A reason for that was the fact that various donors were providing everything for the sustainability of the PASF and their operations. As things were tightening up and due to budget / funding cuts, donors demanded the maintenance and good (rational) use of their provisions. As responsibilities were given to PASF and ownership was handed over, the need for Logistics and Logistic support became more prominent than any other.

    Reaching this point, the Ministry of Interior, through the Central Training Administration, is proud to announce the first tangible results in this field. Of course previous efforts by other actors should not be neglected, such as the work of the Canadian Proteus Team of USSC. CTA starting from the base that Canadian experts build / established within the PASF, with them, moved forward by standardising the basic Logistics functions and procedures adjusted both to international standards (NATO) and to the local Logistics tasks and functions. The outcome is a comprehensive PASF Basic Logistics Handbook, accompanied by a training curriculum, pending approval by the Ministry of Interior (MoI).

     After approval and printing / production of the above-mentioned Handbook / Manual, next step in the whole project of Logistics will be the design and delivery of a Basic Logistics Officers' Course. The course will be the first attempt in standardinsing the concept of Logistics in PASF and therefore targets individual Officers among the PASF, who hold key positions in Logistics functions. 

    Shared ambition of both USSC and PASF and MoI is building the capacity at the very basic (tactical - operational) level, to use it as the ground for the development of Intermediate and Advanced Logistics Courses and Guideline Manuals. This bottom-up approach with Palestinian participation included will strengthen the current Logistics functions and frame the whole concepts in a strategic framework for not only the PASF and MoI, but also the PNA.