During my studies in Leicester University (MSc in Conflict, Security and International Development) I was offered to participate in another on-line course; the On-line Networking and Employability’ (ONE) course. I have to admit that I was a bit cautious in the beginning , especially as regards the time management, but it proved to be a great experience with great benefits and still goes on!t
First of all I could never imagine the potentials existent for self promotion and for employability through the network and social media. I used to hear people’s and companies’ brand but I was not aware that I had one. The ONE course helped to identify my personal brand and create a professional image which reflects to my background, knowledge and skills and interests. I realised that a strong statement of yourself really matter in any field and through a short research on-line I found out that the concept of ‘branding’ is everywhere. Following that, I was able to understand clearly my professional goals and orientate my self in the global market of the employability. Of course, I had already a plan in my mind about my future, but through the specific methodology of the course now I structured my ideas and inspirations in a clear way. Next step was to identify on-line tools to project and promote my personal brand and ‘chase’ my goals.
Up to now I was using social media and especially Facebook for socialising and keep contact with relatives and friends. It never crossed my mind that I could use social media to promote myself and have better work opportunities. I learnt the importance of having a strong presence in social media and the functions of Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Linkedin. I was encouraged to create accounts and start advertising my personal brand, as I've been shown how employers use social media to hire and recruit people. But, due to the nature of work and security concerns of the organisation where I work I had limited options. Security issues as regards myself and people around me (i.e. family members) are and will always be a priority and this comes above promoting myself on-line. However, specific privacy settings made things easier and with careful management I can keep a balance between work security restrictions and using freely social media.
Another thing that really amazed me was the creation of my own personal blog. It is another on-line tool that helps people to find jobs and promote themselves in a professional and modern way. Through the course I've learnt that a well structured CV and good communication skills are not enough to find a job or get a better one. By having a blog you can prove the quality of your work and your experience and convince the audience about your assets and qualifications. Step by step I achieved to make my own blog, I learnt how to manage it appropriately and as you can see below I've uploaded my first posts, which gave me pride. I indent to extent my knowledge in these are and maybe I’ll create another personal blog as a diary, which I can share with people close to me. I also want to enrich my professional blog and ‘decorate’ it with even more attractive posts to the extent of a qualitative on-line work portfolio.
ONE course has given me so much knowledge and skills; the most important thing was that I have personal brand too and how to use it and promote my self through social media. Looking back and compare it with today I identify a huge difference on me and my on-line presence. Now, I'm looking forward eagerly for the continuation of the course!
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